"Reverse Engineering for Beginners" book

The book is also known as RE4B and "Understanding Assembly Language". Written by Dennis Yurichev. (email: book at beginners dot re).

News: Demographics of reverse engineering. How to start learning reverse engineering in 2023.

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Supplementary materials

All exercises are moved to standalone website: challenges.re.

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Printed/published versions of the book

Short video with 4 editions of the printed book.

A picture of 3 editions of the printed book.

Chinese translation

In April 2017, translation to Chinese has been finished by Chinese PTPress publisher.

cover 1, cover 2.

Both scanned volumes are available for download: volume I, volume II.

Some kind of review and history behind the translation: http://www.cptoday.cn/news/detail/3155.

The principal translator is Archer, to whom I owe so much. He was extremely meticulous (in good sense) and reported most of known mistakes and bugs, which is very important to literature like this book. I'll recommend his services to any other author. While reading, please thank him for his hard work.

Guys from Antiy Labs has also helped with translation. Here is preface written by them.

Farsi (Persian language) translation

In 2016 the book has been translated by Mohsen Mostafa Jokar (who is also known to Iranian community by his translation of Radare manual). It is available on the publisher’s website (Pendare Pars).

40 page excerpt.


Registration of the book in National Library of Iran: http://opac.nlai.ir/opac-prod/bibliographic/4473995.

About the translator. Mohsen Mostafa Jokar is a Linux administrator and Virtualization Engineer also. He is a Xen Master and written a Wiki book with the name "Hello Xen Project" that's available here. Read more about the book: 1, 2.

About Korean publication

In March 2021, Acorn publishing company (www.acornpub.co.kr) in South Korea did huge amount of work in translating and publishing my book in Korean language, this is the second edition alrady.

You can order it here, here or here.

The cover.

They are also the Korean translation copyright holder.

So if you want to have a "real" book on your shelf in Korean language and/or want to support my work, now you may buy it.